Home Sales Surge in OctoberBy Scott WestlakeNovember 15, 20210 comments#economicupdate #sherrycooper #SW #TWT #DLC oday the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) released statistics showing national existing-home sales rose a whopping 8.6% in October, its most robust month-over-month ...Read more...
Your quick guide to your best short-term financing options.By Scott WestlakeNovember 11, 20210 comments#shorttermfinancing #bridgeloan #privatemortgage #reversemortgage #TWT #DLC #SW Short-term financing – credit or loans that are designed to be paid off in a short period of time – can be a useful financial tool in a variety of different situations, such as: Bridge financing If you’re planning on moving and have found a new home before ...Read more...
Renewing Your MortgageBy Scott WestlakeNovember 10, 20210 comments#renewingyourmortgage #mortgagerenewal #mortgagebroker #DLC #TWT #SW Did you know? Close to 70 percent of mortgages never make it to the end of their term! This means that, for a variety of reasons, homeowners are ending their mortgages early. However, that still leaves a solid 30 percent of home buyers who keep their mortgage until the term is up ...Read more...
The Art of Leveraging Through Real EstateBy Scott WestlakeNovember 3, 20210 comments#leveraging #rentals #mortgageadvise #SW #TWT #DLC For some people, just owning one property and having a single mortgage is enough to handle. But there may be no better way to grow your net worth than real estate. You might not realize homeownership can be a gateway to owning multiple investment properties. You might be thinking: ...Read more...
What is Title Insurance and Other Questions Answered!.By Scott WestlakeNovember 2, 20210 comments#titleinsurance #homeownerinsurance #twt #SW #DLC Title insurance can easily seem like another unnecessary add-on to the already complicated and costly process of buying a house, but nothing could be further from the truth. It can help speed up the process of closing on your new home, while protecting you and your heirs against a ...Read more...
Bank of Canada RespondsTo Mounting Inflation: Ends QE and Hastens Timing of Rate HikeBy Scott WestlakeOctober 27, 20210 comments#economicupdate #boc #drsherrycooper #SW #TWT #DLC The Bank of Canada surprised markets today with a more hawkish stance on inflation and the economy. The Bank released its widely anticipated October Monetary Policy Report (MPR) ...Read more...
What’s Next for your Home After a Separation?.By Scott WestlakeOctober 27, 20210 comments#seperation #divorce #spousalbuyout #SW #TWT #DLC #refinance Growing up, most people dream about living a fairytale with a wonderful partner and a life of bliss. Unfortunately, real life is not always a fairytale and not every relationship lasts forever. In fact, latest statistics show that 38 percent of all marriages in Canada end in divorce. ...Read more...
Alternative MortgagesBy Scott WestlakeOctober 25, 20210 comments#credit #alternativemortage #alternativelending #privatelending #DLC #SW #TWT If you love the content we provide, you can subscribe to our mailing list: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/%20su/lkc6q9O There’s Always an Alternative. When it comes down to getting approved for a mortgage, there are a lot of factors and not everyone will ...Read more...
Prices are Rising Everywhere--Transitory Can Last A Long TimeBy Scott WestlakeOctober 21, 20210 comments#economicupdate #sherrycooper #SW #TWT #DLC Today's release of the September Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Canada showed year-over-year (y/y) inflation rising from 4.1% in August to 4.4%, its highest level since ...Read more...
Recently Funded - Construction Capital Available!By Scott WestlakeMy PortfolioOctober 18, 20210 comments#constructionmortgage #constructionfinancing #selfbuild #specbuild #twt #scottwestlake Recently funded acquisition financing to purchase property our clients are going to build on. In addition, construction financing is approved. Property is being torn down. It is an existing bungalow for new two story home - principal residence. Construction ...Read more...
Canadian Home Prices Continued to Rise As Insufficient Supply Creates Excess DemandBy Scott WestlakeOctober 16, 20210 comments#economicupdate #sherrycooper #SW #TWT #DLC Today the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) released statistics showing national existing-home sales rose 0.9% between August and September 2021, posting the first ...Read more...
Finding Your Financial Freedom.By Scott WestlakeOctober 14, 20210 comments#financialfreedom #DLC #SW #TWT Many Canadians will spend their entire lives without proper financial education. With the help of Enriched Academy, an online financial education platform, Our House Magazine has collected some insight and tips from experts on financial literacy to help Canadians achieve their dreams, ...Read more...
Blockbuster September Jobs Report--Further Fuel For Rising Interest RatesBy Scott WestlakeOctober 8, 20210 comments#SW #TWT #DLC #marketupdate #jobs #interestrates For more information on how this information impacts your next mortgage, connect with our team scott@thewestlaketeam.com Statistics Canada released the September Labour ...Read more...
October 2021 Mortgage NewsletterBy Scott WestlakeOctober 5, 20210 comments#octobermortgaegnewsletter #SW #TWT #DLC For more information on how our mortgage brokerage can assist with your next mortgage or interested in working with our team, please email scott@thewestlaketeam.com or call 416-436-1135. ...Read more...
Title insurance and Home Insurance: Do Homeowners Need Both?.By Scott WestlakeOctober 1, 20210 comments#titleinsurance #homeinsurance #insurance #SW #TWT #DLC It’s a common question and one that deserves a little context. Buying a home is an incredibly exciting event for any new homeowner, but with ownership of any property comes the need to protect it from a range of risks. These could include losses or damages to the home and fraudulent ...Read more...
Downsizing Your Home.By Scott WestlakeSeptember 30, 20210 comments#downsizing #mortgageadvise #retirement #SW #TWT #DLC Moving to a larger house is not the only time that things can change with your home and mortgage. Sometimes there comes a point when owning a home becomes a little too much to handle; or maybe you’re an empty-nester and no longer need three extra bedrooms. Whatever the reason, ...Read more...